Rules / Regulations / Community Information

                                          Updated: November 6th, 2019
                               All Rules Are Subjected To Change Over Time

1. Do not RDM (Random Deathmatch) killing someone without a valid RP reason.
2. This is SeriousRP, that means you may not break character unless in a staff situation. (This includes playing music/videos through your microphone)
3. Do not ask to be whitelisted into jobs that you have not been promoted/trained for.
4. Do not talk down on other branches, or disrespect anyone. Doing this will result in an instant full-demotion.
5. Racism or other forms of discrimination (sexism, age, race, or sexual orientation) will not be tolerated whatsoever and will result in a 2-week ban.
6. Rockets / C4 / IED must be used on groups of 2 or more confirmed hostiles. (Exception is frag or handheld grenades).
7. No friendly fire will be tolerated unless it is an organized live fire simulation inside the confines of the simulation room.
8. /advert can be seen by all factions. /comms can only be seen by the specific faction.
9. You must listen to higher ranks at all times.
10. If you are spotted leaving a KOS area by the opposite faction you are still KOS.
11. NO Metagaming: Using information not known from natural sources (enemy comms, jobs etc)
12. No using in character chat after you die to disclose information, follow NLR.
13. Do not drop weapons (exception for events held by a Game Master).
14. Glitching and or exploiting in any way is prohibited.
15. 2LT+ can advert for tryouts only
16. You cannot stack ammunition boxes with the intention of inhibiting movement and/or blocking off an area
17. Use of colors/flashing/parsers/etc in the chat is prohibited.
18. Adverts may only be used for announcements such as Raids, Events, Tryouts, Briefings, etc. and not for use as an open comms system or for calling False.
19. Adding extra things to Raid adverts is Fail RP. When adverting a Raid Over, you must put the time the Raid ended, so others can use it for cool-downs.

20. Base-camping is strictly forbidden for both factions. The definition of base-camping, in this case, is the act of purposefully waiting outside of the opposing faction base for occupants to leave, and killing said occupants.
21. The "/me" command cannot be exploited to give yourself an upper hand in roleplay. (E.G. Taking a cyanide pill to kill yourself, breaking binds or handcuffs, grabbing a pistol off an enemy when you were stripped, etc.)
22. The "/me" command cannot be used to minge or used in an inappropriate way.
23. "Base camping" is defined as purposefully waiting outside of the opposing faction's base to kill those that leave. The elapsed time from the victim leaving the base to being killed and the distance traveled does not matter. Your intentions do. (Stalking, following and camping exits will be considered base camping if they're relatively close to the base or AOS zone.)
24. Attempting to circumvent the AFK system on the server is considered exploiting. (Typing "+right" in the console to avoid being kicked)
25. Do not disrespect or harass anyone out of character.
26. No ERP (Erotic Roleplay) is permitted on the server ever. This includes ALL Voice and Text chats.
27. Any form of sexual content in OOC unrelated to in-game is ALSO forbidden.
28. If a Faction Member Has been taken hostage, negotiation must occur before you may shoot at the hostage taker. (Does not apply if the hostage taker has walked away from the hostage and is no longer a threat to the hostages life).


1. Recruits will be whitelisted to Basic Soldier on all factions (NO ONE IS TO BE GIVEN FREE WHITELISTS)
2. You are allowed to have the rank of officer in 2 factions (Any), but you may not accept a high-command rank. If you decide to switch which factions you have a high-command role in, you MUST step down from your High-command rank on the other faction beforehand.)
3. 3 day Rule: You must wait 3 days after joining a branch before you switch to another branch, failure to do so will result in a 7-day blacklist from all branches.
4. If you decide to leave you must inform an officer in your current branch.